Monday, February 2, 2009

Funny in Unexpected Places

As I mentioned last week, my boyfriend and I went to the Funny Bone on Friday night to see Arj Barker do a stand up routine. Now, he was pretty funny. You could tell most of what he was saying was improv, which really impresses me. I cannot even FATHOM standing in front of a crowded room of people and trying to make them laugh without having everything prepared.

The funniest part was that he picked a girl that was sitting on the front row and made fun of her the whole show. Of course, I found this especially funny because I was already resentful of the people that snagged the front row seats before I could get there. That fact almost ruined my night.

I was pretty funny that night too, though. When my boyfriend and I arrived at the club, we stepped into the front door and none other than the headliner, Arj Barker, walked straight up to us. There is something you should understand about me. I get star-struck. It is just to weird to see someone in person who I watch on tv every week. I can't take it. So, when Ark Barker walked up to me I did what any person would do that would want to preserve their integrity. I ignored him and talked to the person next to him. Ha.

What I did not expect of that night was that there were 3 openers for Arj, the last of which was the funniest comic of the night. Shes a comiedienne on Comedy Central - I do not remember her name. Anyway she had the entire audience in tears from laughter by the time she was done! I am going to have to say she was the best.

If you get a chance to visit Bloomington the Funny Bone is an entertaining place to stop, after you have dinner at one of the amazing restaurants on Kirkwood.

However, the BEST part about this weekend was that I found out Flight of the Conchords is coming to Bloomington for Little 5 week! Tickets are going on sale this week, and you can bet I will be there early in the morning to snag mine....

Okay, I mention FoC in the past like 3 posts. I am not allowed to do it again for at least another 3. You can call me on it. I do not want to seem like a stalker fan or anything...

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